So... maybe I forgot I had a blog over the last week or two. :)
I've been so ridiculously busy! We had our final critique for our collections, which went amazingly well. It was a really rewarding end to 9 months of working my butt off. Jay Ott, a DAAP alumn and designer for The Row, led the critique and said that some of my pieces really reminded him of Margiela. That was a pretty sweet moment.The weekend after the critique, my family had a big graduation party for my little sister and I, because she graduated high school that night. I had relatives in town all weekend, and my birthday was on Memorial Day, so the celebrating continued.Last week was a whirlwind and I can barely remember what I did. Thursday my mom, my sister, and I left for Dallas to look for my next apartment. We drove 16 hours there, spent a few hours looking at apartments, found a real cute one, shopped for an hour, then started the drive home. It was pretty nuts. Now I have 4 days until our huge fashion show, 5 days until COLLEGE GRADUATION (whoa!), a week and a half until I leave for Australia, and almost exactly one month until I permanently move to Dallas.
Doesn't it feel like life is moving awfully fast all the sudden?
Well, while I'm waiting to get back the professional photos of my collection, here is a sneak peek of my senior thesis, Linguistic Relativity.